Mike Duffy Cleared on all 31 Charges

After months of news articles and court visits, the verdict finally came out on Mike Duffy. Justice Charles Vaillancourt has cleared Duffy on all 31 charges as the Crown failed to get a single charge of fraud, breach of trust and bribery.



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Canada’s Human Rights Confusion

Stephane Dion made two major foreign policy announcements in the past coming days: one on North Korea and one of Saudi Arabia.

According to the National Newswatch, Dion condemned the announcement that North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb. On the other hand, the Canada-Saudi Arabia Arms Deal is still going through despite the executions that took place early January.

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muslims are people too, Donald Trump.

Politics is usually about discourse and debate. Politicians debate each other on how to handle issues, whether it be economic or foreign policy. That is why there is a government and an opposition, so that we can make sure we have a civilized and purposeful debate.

What’s sad is we’re not seeing any of that in the current GOP debate.

Instead we are seeing a wacky competition of who can out-bigot the other candidate. It would be a great reality show if this weren’t all so real.

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